Global impact through local action
Enabling cities worldwide to plan with nature.
The Urban Biodiversity Hub (UBHub) specializes in supporting local governments and their partners to improve their ecological impact.

We host the world's most comprehensive database on current practices, including strategies and policies for biodiversity by local and subnational governments. We harness this knowledge to provide guidance for governments on how cities and local governments can plan for nature and measure their impact.
Comprehensive guides
Knowledge on current practice
Connecting local and global targets
Expertise in strategic planning, analysis, and indicators
We work with governments of all scales and their allies to help them understand, plan for and monitor their impacts on biodiversity loss both within and outside of their borders.

Creation and evaluation of urban biodiversity programs, indices, measurements, and assessments

Policy recommendations for a whole-of-government approach, focused on local and subnational governments and communities

Original research on current practices regarding local biodiversity strategy and action plans

We work with leading international organizations

Select Projects
What is urban biodiversity?
At UBHub, we take an inclusive approach that encompasses sustainability, climate action, the impacts of consumption and pollution, and equity.

How Cities Make A Difference for Global Biodiversity
Visionaries for the good life
Cities are cultural centres and can impact how people identify and behave by upholding particular values and priorities.
Centres of trade, consumption, and production
Cities serve as nodes for the movement of goods as well as source points for pollution and other wastes.
Hosts of significant ecosystems
Cities are commonly located in areas that host particularly high levels of biodiversity, often at the juncture of migration routes or ecotones like river deltas.
Leaders for policy and practice
Cities often implement cutting-edge practices and connect with local knowledge and community traditions that can show the way forward.
We publish our original research in academic journals and white papers such as policy briefs.